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Enter the Dragon

Series: Esther

Dr. John MuhlfeldFebruary 12, 2023Passage: Esther 3:1-15

Having been introduced to the setting, background, and main characters in Esther 1 and 2, we are introduced to the villain in chapter 3: a man of nearly unlimited power, wealth, and fame who threatens to destroy not just Mordecai, but the entire people of God. But Haman is but the pawn of a far greater adversary: that ancient serpent, the devil, who has been at enmity with God’s people since Genesis 3. Just as the Name of God is not mentioned in the book of Esther (though His actions are clearly seen), so, too, the dragon enters the story through his proxy, Haman. But the dragon and his minions are ultimately defeated by Jesus, the King who willingly took the death sentence that His people deserved.

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Sermons in Esther